
Attendance & Leave Rules

  1. Leave of absence upto three days only may be obtained from the class teacher. A student will not be considered present on any day unless he attends all the classes prescribed for the day. Exemption from attending a class or classes may be granted by class teacher. Leave of absence for four days and above must be obtained from the Headmaster only.
  2. No student shall be absent without obtaining leave in advance. In extra ordinary cases the leave letter shall be produced on the day when the student returns. Leave will be refused if the leave application is not signed by the parent or the authorised guardian.
  3. Special deterrent punishment will be inflicted in case of truancy especially in the case of afternoon absentees (D.P.I.'s Proceedings)
  4. The names of pupils who are continuously absent for more than four days without leave, during a month will be removed. They will be re-admitted only on payment of re-admission fee of Paise 50.
  5. Students who are absent for long periods due to illness will produce a Medical Certificate to the Headmaster to that effect.
  6. Students of Std X and XII should put in a minimum of 75% attendance for appearing in the Board Exam. Students of other classes who do not put in a minimum of 75% attendance will not be eligible for Promotion to the next higher classes.
  7. The Headmaster may refuse to recommend the application of parents to the D.E.O. if he believes that the boy was absent for avoidable reasons.
  8. Parents are requested to contact the Headmaster before meeting any other staff member.
  9. Unauthorised entry into the school and the play ground by unconcerned persons will be treated as tresspass.